
People have many reasons for seeking care here, and we welcome you whatever your path is. Our commitment is to help you in your journey towards vibrant health to become more self-aware, more flexible, and regain the clarity, wholeness, and ease that are naturally yours.

The work we do is called Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI). It allows us to gently and thoroughly address the trauma, stored events, or acute and chronic issues that you may be experiencing. We use a variety of chiropractic and osteopathic techniques, selecting the most appropriate to access the potential energy stored in your body. As this potential is released, your body uses it to further its own healing, to become more flexible, more adaptable, and more alive. Everyone, regardless of specific symptoms or ailments, can benefit from a system that is more flexible and free.

Healing is a process that happens in a place of love, clarity and acceptance. It is our intention to create that in our practice, and to help you find these qualities in yourself.

Yours in health,

Dr. Grace Johnstone
Dr. Sara Crandall

Your First Appointment

Your first appointment will consist of a comprehensive review of your health history, a chiropractic exam, and an adjustment. The exam and adjustment will take about one hour. You will meet with one of our doctors and learn about BGI, discuss your health history, and have an opportunity to ask questions about your care.

Please call 802 472-3033 to schedule your initial visit, and feel free to complete the online intake form prior to your first appointment.  If you are unable to complete the intake prior to your arrival, please plan to arrive 30 minutes early to your scheduled appointment. Additional paperwork may be needed based on your insurance or other requirements.

We are non-participating providers for Medicare. Please bring your insurance card to your initial visit if you intend to have us bill.  For those of you who do not intend to use insurance, our time of service (TOS) and prepay (PP) discounts are larger than insurance and Medicare laws allow. Patients who wish to take advantage of our discounts must join PCD, which is an organization that bargains on their behalf to receive these lower fees, much as an insurance company does. Learn more about the Preferred Chiropractic Doctor program.

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost